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[SOLVED] Consistent CTD north of EGCC and no Traffic injected

Started by cshark172, December 22, 2020, 12:25:01 PM

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Within the last week, I stopped getting traffic injected from AIGTC.  It all started with a consistent P3D 5.1 HF1 CTD about 50 nm N. of EGCC.  Once I removed the Ryanair traffic file, this crash corrected itself.  I reinstalled as a .bgl, and no longer had the CTD, and Ryanair traffic showed up in sim.  I was troubleshooting with the attached log and noticed that that was the last airline attempted to be injected.  There was no event viewer entry for this CTD, the Sim just dropped to the desktop.  I reinstalled as a .bgl, and no longer had the CTD, and Ryanair traffic showed up in sim.  But also, while troubleshooting, I noticed there was no other traffic generated, and noticed all the exception 22s and 34s in the log.  So I went to KATL and parked at the gate, and alas, not a single Delta aircraft showed up.  I have also attached this log file showing all the exceptions when attempting to inject the traffic.  Everything was working OK until about a week ago, and there are 2 things that happened that could be the root of the issue.  First, I got a forced Windows update last weekend, and also the TC was updated since the last time it worked.


what FS Version and SimConnect are you running?


My repaints here:



Using SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0 (FSX-SP2-XPACK).


that could explain a lot... AIGTC is comming with a native P3Dv5 HF1 SimConnect. Please disable your FSX SimConnect and try again.


That seems to have fixed the injection problem, but breaks other addons that rely on the MSFS SimcConnect.  I reinstalled the SP2-XPACK SimConnect to get those addons working again, as I can live with BGL traffic for now, and it seems to still work.  I only checked injection at Atlanta with just the Delta flight plans installed.  I will be away the next couple days, so won't be able to check if the crash N. of EGCC still exists.  Once I get I chance, I'll start reinstalling the AIGFP plans and check if it still works.


seems like a missconfiguration on the setup ::confused:: Since I do not use MSFS i can not check what settings will work


Thanks for your help.  I think things are resolved now.  I still think that something went wonky with last weeks Windows and Office updates.  Everything was working perfectly until last weekend when a windows and office update got force installed.  I was also having CTDs related to mso20win32client.dll, which others have been reporting as well.  This is some msoffice run time dll.  I rolled back the office updates, and put updates on pause again, reinstalled the FSX-SP2 simconnect, and reinstalled AIG, and it seems to be working now.  Enjoy your time off, and Happy Holidays.