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AIM - Suggestions / Re: ICAO_Airline= line
Last post by Dave YVRATC - Yesterday at 07:00:31 PM
 That is a great idea! Often it's missing entirely or has a fake entry like BJO etc.
AIM - Suggestions / Re: ICAO_Airline= line
Last post by Er!k - Yesterday at 06:50:07 PM
Nice suggestion!
AIM - Suggestions / Re: ICAO_Airline= line
Last post by johanfrc - Yesterday at 04:49:18 PM
Something like this:
You cannot view this attachment.
AIM - Suggestions / Re: ICAO_Airline= line
Last post by Er!k - Yesterday at 03:56:30 PM
Hi Johan, can you clarify with a screenshot? Not entirely sure what you mean. I am using MSFS with AIG models and FSLTL so interested :)
AIM - Suggestions / ICAO_Airline= line
Last post by johanfrc - Yesterday at 02:04:48 PM
Would it be possible to add a ICAO_Airline= line in AIM under Aircraft --> Installed?

That will make it easier to add ICAO_Airline= codes if it's missing, and will be helpful to users who are using e.g. PSXT or the standard Live Traffic in MSFS.
AIM - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request
Last post by johanfrc - January 02, 2025, 11:24:17 AM
It's a thing that has been requested a few times.

Reason it is not possible, at least for the time being, is that the type of plan is not known to AIG Manager until the moment the plan is loaded into the installer. Until then, it doesn't know anything about the plans.

I know Kai have said it might be implemented at some point, but it is not very high on the list.
AIM - Suggestions / Feature Request
Last post by PretendPilot - January 02, 2025, 10:01:23 AM
Not sure if this would be helpful for the masses or just me, but it would be handy to be able to filter/hide the different types of flight plans.  For example, I primarily use airline traffic only, so it's a bit cumbersome to sort through all the other types when updating things.  If the user could tick mark those types we are interested in, airline, general aviation, military, corporate, etc. and hide the others it would make it easier to keep any eye only on those types we are interested in.  Thanks for consideration.
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappearing
Last post by rooster - December 06, 2024, 03:42:14 PM
Hello again.

Well I followed your instructions to the letter and I still have the same problem. I even uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch,(it took me a hole day !), but with no joy. It is evident that others are suffering this problem as well since the last update. I was just wondering,(with respect), if you folks are working on a fix or further update to solve this issue. It's amazing how the emersion is lost in P3D without your wonderful product. Thanks again for your kind consideration.

Malcolm Hancock 
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappears or does...
Last post by Droppie - December 04, 2024, 04:16:20 PM
I have the same problems after last update and I tried the suggested solutions but they didn't work for me. I hope my logs help.
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappearing
Last post by johanfrc - December 03, 2024, 03:17:27 PM
What you need to do, is to download the file mentioned in other topics. Open the zip-file and select all the files. Press CTRL+C top copy the files.

Then you open the folder where AIG Traffic Controller is located, and press CTRL+V to paste the files into the folder. Then say yes to overwrite the all files.