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TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappears or does...
Last post by wilton - November 27, 2024, 07:06:27 AM
Same problem at my end after the recent update. Please tell us how to disable auto updates.

thank you
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappears or does...
Last post by sikes - November 26, 2024, 09:14:52 PM
Am having the same problem as it auto updates.Did you figure out a work around ?
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappears or does...
Last post by 19pecker67 - November 20, 2024, 07:12:11 PM
Hi Kai,
if I do that everything seems to be fine again,
but the automatic update overrides to the latest version again, and the traffic vanishes.
The last stable version seems to be AIG_TrafficController_0.8.4.2.

P.S. How to deactivate the auto-update function? Thx.
AIM - Suggestions / Re: AI Manager - OCI - Quick I...
Last post by johanfrc - November 17, 2024, 10:20:18 AM
For the XML file and the missing continents, it is because Kai haven't had the time to add all the airlines from those continents into it. Only those he have managed to make, Europe NA and Africa are ready.

Whenever he have time to add the airlines from Asia and SA, those will be added.

Secondly. The manager don't know anything about what type of airline (Commercial, Cargo And so on) until the plan is loaded into the program for installation. Therefore it's very hard, if not impossible to make the list you want to achieve with another option for quick installs. So might not be possible.

Also. As a your you can't add buttons. Only the developer, Kai, can do that. And there are quite a lot of other things to do, especially with 2024 around the corner and users wanting to get it to work ASAP after release. So it has highest priority right now. So after that there are a lot of other things to do.

So might take some time before something can be done regarding this.
AIM - Suggestions / AI Manager - OCI - Quick Insta...
Last post by Nashbag - November 16, 2024, 11:45:52 PM
Hello community

I think the "Quick Install" function is a very good solution. There are 5 buttons to choose from:

  • Global
  • North America
  • South America (not in the "AIM_OCIAirlinePresets.xml" file)
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Asia (not in the "AIM_OCIAirlinePresets.xml" file)

* MiddleEast no button in the AI Manager!

I would just like it to be a bit more detailed for our 7 continents.

  • Global
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Antarctica
  • Europe
  • Oceania

Below I have the adjusted content of the xml file.

In a second step I would like to be able to select not only the continent but also the flight plan type using a selection box:


I have already created a file with the continents and associated countries for the airline flight plans.

I'm currently creating "AIM_OCIAirlinePresets.xml" with the subdivision of continents and types.

Does anyone have an idea how to expand the buttons in the AI Manager?

Best regards, Bruno

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Preset name="Global - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="Global - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="Global - Major GA">
    <Preset name="Global - Major Goverment">
    <Preset name="Global - Major Medical">
    <Preset name="Global - Major Military">

    <Preset name="Asia - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="Asia - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="Asia - Major GA">

    <Preset name="Africa - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="Africa - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="Africa - Major GA">

    <Preset name="North America - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="North America - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="North America - Major GA">

    <Preset name="South America - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="South America - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="South America - Major GA">

    <Preset name="Antarctica - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="Antarctica - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="Antarctica - Major GA">

    <Preset name="Europe - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="Europe - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="Europe - Major GA">

    <Preset name="Oceania - Major Commercial">
    <Preset name="Oceania - Major Commercial (Cargo)">
    <Preset name="Oceania - Major GA">
TC Solved Issues / [CLOSED] Traffic not showing
Last post by MURILO - November 16, 2024, 08:46:21 PM
Hi team. Initially I apologize for opening a new thread, I have seem some similar posts, but I couldn't find a way to attach files in an open thead. I have p3dv4.5 and I have installed AIG_TrafficController_0.8.4.5, and lately I have found no traffic at all during the flight and when arriving at the airports, despite what TC says . In KLAX, TC says 25 planes around, but there's no one visible when I get to it. Later on, some start to arrive. In KMIA is the same thing, TC say 27 planes, but the airport is desert. Anyway, 25 or 27 airplanes for such those big airports is very strange. Someone help me, please.
TC - News & Download / Re: Traffic Controller - BETA ...
Last post by Kaiii3 - November 10, 2024, 03:03:54 PM
  • [ I ] Stability improvements
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappears or does...
Last post by Kaiii3 - November 07, 2024, 07:08:47 PM
Replace TC files and try again
TC Solved Issues / Re: Traffic disappears or does...
Last post by 94jonaso - November 02, 2024, 06:49:39 AM
I am experiencing exactly the same issue
TC Solved Issues / [CLOSED] Traffic disappears or...
Last post by ch2schmi - November 01, 2024, 12:49:12 PM
Hi folks,
Since the update to, I've been having serious problems in P3DV5.4.
AI Traffic initially loads normally but at some point (sometimes after a few seconds, sometimes after a few minutes) all traffic is deleted. The Traffic Controller still shows that XX aircraft are in the area and they also appear on the map – but not in P3D.
If I then click on "Stop traffic injection", I get an error message (see You cannot view this attachment. . If I then reload the Traffic Controller, no more aircraft are loaded at all (see You cannot view this attachment.).
Only when I completely restart P3D do I get traffic again, but only for a short time and then the game starts all over again.
What can I do?
Can I reset the update to the previous version? I've already tried that, but the autoupdate is basically forced on you immediately. Is there a way to prevent the autoupdate until the problem is solved?

Best regards,