One white livery (or boeing/airbus/whatever house livery) for each aircraft type

Started by AMADI, November 17, 2021, 10:43:57 PM

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Would be nice to have one livery without paint for every aircraft type for the VATSIM guys.
vPilot could then use this blank livery if there's no match with a certain callsign, but with an aircraft ICAO code.

For example MUC (München Airways A320): since München Airways isnt a real airline, there's obv. no AI livery for it.

Having a white A320 instead of some random other A320 airline livery would be a really cool option to have.



Johan Clausen


Maybe a fake airlines ("VATSIM Airlines"  ::party::) with blank liveries. And fake flight on a remote airport.


One blank livery on any given Airline without being assigned to a flightplan would be sufficient.

For example ASL Belgium has got an all white 757bcf which can be defined in a vmr file to be the default aircraft for "B757" if there is no match in both "B757" AND "Callsign".

Would be enough to know which real airlines do have all-white liveries that can be used for default liveries of the respective aircraft type. :)
Like an all-white A320, A350, A380 and for the boeings too :)