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[SOLVED] Only have aircraft on gates and no one flying

Started by SydoR, November 22, 2021, 03:11:48 PM

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Quote from: SydoR on November 23, 2021, 01:38:40 AM
ok, thanks a lot for your help, but unfortunatily doesnt work for me, it cant be this right?
<Package name="fs-base-ai-traffic" active="true"/>

no you don't need to touch that one, it manages the default planes but it won't make any difference for your problem.

What fixed it for serveral other users was what i wrote earlier -> you should have either A or B in your content.xml file (but for you, unfortunately, it didn't make any difference).

A (if you have navigraph navdata enabled)

   <Package name="fs-base-nav" active="false"/>
   <Package name="navigraph-navdata" active="true"/>

B (if you have navigraph navdata disabled or no navdata at all)

   <Package name="fs-base-nav" active="true"/>

Quote from: SydoR on November 23, 2021, 10:58:24 AM
Any other solution for my problem?

Unfortunately i have no other ideas, hopefully someone else will.



thanks a lot for your help, really appreciated.

I will wait for other answers!

Have a nice day!


I tried MFS2020 offline traffic without AI Traffic controller and my planes doesnt move either.

Maybe its related?


Quote from: SydoR on November 23, 2021, 12:27:29 PM
I tried MFS2020 offline traffic without AI Traffic controller and my planes doesnt move either.

Maybe its related?

then you have an internal Sim issue...


Quote from: Kaiii3 on November 23, 2021, 02:37:21 PM
Quote from: SydoR on November 23, 2021, 12:27:29 PM
I tried MFS2020 offline traffic without AI Traffic controller and my planes doesnt move either.

Maybe its related?

then you have an internal Sim issue..

Its strange, because i have live traffic working from mfs 2020, just ai offline traffic doesnt work, and ai traffic controller injects the airplanes, but they dont move.
I dont know what to do.



disable it and try without. I remeber that user with navigraph had this issue after the update of MSFS, i think the solution was to disable navigraph then test the Sim and then reinstall it o so...


Quote from: Kaiii3 on November 24, 2021, 03:35:11 PM
disable it and try without. I remeber that user with navigraph had this issue after the update of MSFS, i think the solution was to disable navigraph then test the Sim and then reinstall it o so..


You are talking about navigraph data center? if its that, i already tried uninstall and try without it, and dont work.
Or you are talking about all navigraph programs? navi charts etc?



I am not using navigraph, but from what I know there is a part that creates the nav-data for the sim and thats the part you need to reinstall


Quote from: Kaiii3 on November 24, 2021, 05:46:36 PM
I am not using navigraph, but from what I know there is a part that creates the nav-data for the sim and thats the part you need to reinstall

unfortunately all remains the same :(



im very happy that AI traffic controller now works perfectly.
Thanks so much for  trying to help me and developed a fantastic addon.

I dont know what was causing my issue, because 2 days ago i removed all of my content from community ( including navigraph data) and it wasnt working.

But yesterday, i did the same again, and with default mfs 2020 without addons it worked perfect, i added 1 by 1 all my addons and now with all my addons install it remains working!

So my best advice por people that is having same issue, put mfs 2020 without any addons and give it a try, if it doesnt work, give it a try again xD.

Thanks one more time for all help!

Best regards,


Other advice,

for you that uses addonlinker, be aware that navigraph data is in community folder directly and not in your path of addon linker, so be sure that community folder is empty by going directing to community folder!