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[SOLVED] All aircraft flying REALLY low

Started by wakevortex, June 16, 2022, 06:23:13 AM

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as the title says , I seem to have only VERY  low  flying aircraft.. I have attached an AI companion and AIGT screenshot to show the problem...any ideas why?
as you can see in the map picture that aircraft (and those around it) are all at less than 500 ft !
I saw the warning on the front splashscreen, but surely they shouldnt be spawning this low just because  I am on the ground?
thanks  !
Bill P



Thats Dissapointing . So do aircraft only happen to spawn higher when we actually are airborne?
Just found another question about this but it was posted in a different part of the forum ..apologies for doubling up the subject..


wakevortex : hmmm . off topic but not sure why your AIC screenshot doesn't seem to show anything in the 'From airport' and 'To airport' columns, something has to be wrong there. Feel free to message me if you need help with that  ::cheers::

AtropiN / Kai : do you know if the issue exists also if the traffic file would be compiled as BGL or is it only because it is spawned dynamically by TC and the sim is buggy when we do that ?. If it would be ok via BGL, it would maybe make sense to re-enable the option to have BGL files if the users perfers that.



issue was reported with BGL as well


Koala.."AIC screenshot doesn't seem to show anything in the 'From airport' and 'To airport' columns"
just checked again, and it seems that it happens when AIC is started with the EXE.XML (ie before an actual airport is chosen) .
will post this on the AIC  Forum .

appreciate it

Bill P