AIG Ground and partner developers are providing updated airport sceneries for default and addon airports to improve the overall AI experiance at those airports.
Chris Airport Pack

For MSFS AIG is working with Chris Baggett to bring updated airports to the users. Chris is releasing his airports within a big pack that gets regular updates. The airports are designed based on the AIG Quality Standards and work 100% with AIGs AI Traffic.

Current Version: V14
Download: here
AIG Airports
At the moment there are no dedicated MSFS Airport Updates released by AIG.
Airports for P3Dv4 and v5 can only be installed via AIG AI Manager OCI. At the moment we only have dedicated Airports for P3D that are used in our helicopter AI airplanes.
Airports for FSX can be found on AVSIM.
Airports for FS9 can be found on AVSIM.