AIG AI Manager – Version 0.9 Release
Today Alpha India Group has released a new version of AI Manager. This version is still a BETA version of the tool and contains some new features like a timetable and a reworked manual installtion. Version 0.8 was a success reagarding the One-Click-Installeer and based on the feedback we have added new features and many improvments.

If you are currently using AIM will upgrade automatically to 0.9 on the next start. Other users will get the popup to start the update process by unzipping the downlaoded ZIP-File.
In case you are a new users you can download the latest version here:
IMPORTANT: AIG AI Manager is still in a BETA phase and could contain some bugs, if you find some or ran into a problem please inform us in our forum (registration required).
Can’t wait to try
Can I use AIG AI Manager – Version 0.9 Release with FSX?
I love all this good stuff happening at AIG … but … where do I download V0.9???