AIG AI Manager for MSFS (Public Beta starting soon)

Over the last months the tool has been tested by our team and some external testers and it seems more or less stable now. Users of P3D and AIM 1.0 will see that this Beta of AIM has currently less features then it has for P3D, this has different reasons and some features will stay P3D exclusive since MSFS is not supporting them (at least for now).
What to expect from this first beta?
This beta is mainly for testing the OCI feature for MSFS and some backend changes. If you are running AIM 1.0 and are only using P3D there is no need for you to “upgrade” to this Beta-Version of AIM 1.1.
Users of MSFS will have the chance to get the first glimps of OCI for MSFS. Users of the first OCI beta back in 2018 will see that the amount of content (SImObjects) is far less at the moment. This is a result of not yet upgraded SimObjects for MSFS. Users will have the ability to install the full range of flightplans, but it is mostlikely that many will only be installed with just the flightplan or just a few SimObjects, because the rest is still not added.

Well, to be honest this is depending on how MSFS itself will develop over the next updates. For the Tool (AI Manager) I will try to migrate as many features to MSFS as possible and when they have been tested AIM itself will leave the beta phase.
While having the public beta, we will keep having an internal beta-testing team to try out new features before they are getting public. This team might get more members during the beta phase, so if you have applied via the forum, you can still get picked.
For the OCI-Content (Models/SimObjects) this beta phase will take much longer, when new models are upgraded/released we will update out internal database and users can then update the OCI package directly via AIM. I guess this process will take months if not years and will be an ongoing process, as it has ben in P3D.
Basically the OCI-Addon is a living/dynamic package (never finished, new stuff added from time to to time)

AIG Traffic Controller
Well there are a ton of issues with the internal AI system at the moment. Most of them are not fixable by AIG and we have to live with them. For stuff that can be fixed by AIG I am mostlikely fallback to our AIG Traffic Controller. Users of P3D already know AIGTC as the “injector” of our AIGFP based AI Traffic. Unlike in OCI for P3D users of OCI for MSFS have no option to decide between BGL and AIGFP. All flightplans will get installed as AIGFP so AIGTC has full controll over the flightplans and can add needed workarounds on runtime.

Which SimObjects are included in the initial release (current plan at least)?
Airbus: A320-Series, A350, A380
Boeing: 737, 747, 757, 777, 787
Bombardier: CRJ-Series
Embraer: EMB-Series
Why are not all FSX models inclused that are public?
Most FSX SimObjects need some changes to the FDE and texture files. Without these changes they do not work 100% in MSFS. All SimObjects in our database have been checked and are working 100% in MSFS, without this check the SimObject will not be added to the database.
Will Live Traffic be supported?
Yes, SimObjects installed with OCI are Live Traffic ready.
What are issues within the Sim that have an impact on my AI experiance?
There are quite a few – sadly:
1) Airports do not have correct parking spots
2) AI taxi-instructions are strange
3) AI Flightperformance is worse compared to FSX/P3D
4) ATC is unable to identify the correct fligtlevel of AI
5) Ai might not land at airport and circle above it
6) ….
Are IVAO/VASTIM supported?
Not at the moment there is no feature added that can create the matchfiles neede for both of them. The OCI SImObjects are comming with information that are readable by the clients and can be uses to inject the correct aircraft. This results in 80-90% correct model matching at the moment.
Can I add my flighplans/repaints to the OCI-Package?
No, the OCI-Package is a closed package and any modification to it might cuase issues within AIM!

Update 04th Nov 2021 0430Z: Updated the VATSIM/IVAO question.