New Homepage
AIG is working on a new homepage, stay tuned.
AIG is working on a new homepage, stay tuned.
AIG is wrapping up the Winter 2018-2019 Season. Today we have released the last flightplans for this season. This Season AIG has released 150 flightplans in total. And AIG is already working on the next season, the first flightplans have already been uploaded for beta-testing.
Hey Guys, thanks for talking an early part in our long journey to provide the same AI setup of P3D to MSFS. To be honest we are all overwhelmed by the total numbers of users we already have – thank you for that. From the development standpoint of we I have to say it went…
Today Alpha India Group has released a new version of AI Manager. This version is still a BETA version of the tool and contains some new features like a timetable and a reworked manual installtion. Version 0.8 was a success reagarding the One-Click-Installeer and based on the feedback we have added new features and many…
The above Video shows a simple takeoff and landing of an AI Helicopter controlled by AIG Traffic Controller (AIGTC). The Video was take at Wangerooge Airport (EDWG) with the default Seahawk helicopter in the latest Prepar3Dv4 Version.
It took quite some time – longer than I have hoped and initial planed – but now we are proud to present you with the latest AI Manager Update and a full set of model updates for MSFS. AI Manager As already mentioned in the Development Updates from the past we have focused on the…
Alpha India Group is proud to announce the release of the De Havilland Dash 8 AI models for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, and FSX. All variants of the De Havilland Dash 8 have been modeled, including Dash 8-400 Multi Role/waterbomber models, and special mission models for military and coast guard aircraft. The models include features…
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I would like to sign up
regards Geoff
Please visit our forum to sign up 🙂
I am already signed up for forum can’t login for new installer
the activation process is not done automatically, but we have verifyed today that your mail/account is active
Thanks for accepting my registration Alhpa India Group. I can’t wait to start using the AI files!
Where do we go to get the light configuations for aircraft that you guys use to have?
Where do we go to get the light configurations for aircraft now?
Check our forum
Registration error on the site.
“Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.”
I can not use the program AI Manadger 0.8.21
Where to contact the administrator?
We had some problems with our forum, but they are fixed now
Tried to log in,worked yesterday but not to day.
Where do I go now to get the light configurations for AI Aircraft?