AIG AI Manager – Version 0.9 Release
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AIG AI Manager – Version 0.9 Release

Today Alpha India Group has released a new version of AI Manager. This version is still a BETA version of the tool and contains some new features like a timetable and a reworked manual installtion. Version 0.8 was a success reagarding the One-Click-Installeer and based on the feedback we have added new features and many…

AIG AI Manager – One Click Installer RELEASE

AIG AI Manager – One Click Installer RELEASE

AIGTech is pround to announce the release of the next BETA version (0.8) of AIG AI Manager (AIG AIM). This release includes the following features: One Click Installer (P3Dv4 only) Support of the new AIG.XML files Dynamic airport assignment for compilation of BGL’s And a lot of fixes One Click Installer (OCI) One Click Installer…